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Decorating the inner walls of the Arch of the Setting Sun are two long, colorful panels by Frank Vincent Du Mond, inspired by the historical background of the West. They have refreshing vividness of color, clear precision of draughtsmanship and a bright enthusiasm for their subject.

When I gaze at you, moving so quietly, floating in infinity, and contemplating reflect thyself in finiteness, I think of you, oh Charlotte, who stands above me like the moon so bright and mild, and I envelop myself in your rays, and my spirit becomes heavenly in your light. Mir ist es, denk ich nur an Dich, Als in den Mond zu seh'n, Ein suesser Friede weht um mich, Weiss nicht, wie mir gescheh'n!

Brunner, Mond & Co. as a commonroom or clubhouse for the staff in their great scientific industry. Mention has been made of an address to working men at the Camberwell Institute, January 24th, 1865.

Most important of the three great courts of the "Walled City" A meeting-place of East and West Roman in its architecture and atmosphere, suggesting the vast Piazza of St. Peter's Triumphal Arches of the Nations Their types of the great races of Orient and Occident Fine mural paintings by Simmons and Du Mond Fountains of the Rising and the Setting Sun Aitken's "Elements" The "Column of Progress."