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Brodsky and Balakirev were in the middle of a haunting melody of the Steppes, arranged by Mily himself, when the sharp exclamation of Ivan brought a quick silence, and turned every eye towards him: "I have a message here, my friends. It is bad news. I I must " he passed his hand across his brow, and thought for a moment: "I must get to Moscow to-night, somehow.

The truth was, these phrases were Bohemian in origin. In the Bohemian language diminutives abound. In Bohemia a servant girl is addressed as "demercko" i.e., little, little maid; and the literal translation of "mug mily Bozicko" a phrase often used in public worship is "my dear, little, little God." But the Brethren had a better defence than writing pamphlets.

Nathalie's letters, which grew more frequent as the days went by, and to which he faithfully replied; two visits from Kashkine, one from Mily Balakirev, and half a dozen from Nicholas, who was to be daunted by no amount of taciturnity, were the only incidents of the period.

"Mily, mily bright" was infinitely enlivened by the presence of the recruits from the ball-room, and the romp became tumultuous when Hamish undertook the rôle of one of the witches that waited by the way to intercept those among whom was the corporal who sought to get there by "candle-light," and who were assured that they could do this if their "legs were long enough."