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If the brain-cell changes were due to metabolic products, then when the body of dog "A" was injured, the brain of dog "A" would be normal and the brain of dog "B" would show changes. Our experiments showed brain-cell changes in the brain of the dog injured and no changes in the brain of the uninjured dog.

Consequently, sulphur is found in the protein-substances of the human body wherever they are bearers of metabolic processes, while the presence of phosphorus is characteristic of the nerves and bones.

It is apparently effective only on the family Gramineae, producing a constitutional metabolic change. I have no means of knowing as yet whether this change is transmissible through seed to offspring " "Hay, wait a minute. 'Producing a constitutional metabolic change. How do you spell metabolic never mind, the proofreaders'll catch it. What constitutional change?" "Are you a botanist, young man?"

The metabolic rate is thus a gauge of the energy pressure within the organism. It may be calculated by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide gas exhaled during a unit of time, and the number of calories of heat radiated by the skin simultaneously.

Even Utopias will have to be revised. The internal secretions constitute and determine much of the inherited powers of the individual and their development They control physical and mental growth and all the metabolic processes of fundamental importance. They dominate all the vital functions during the three cycles of life.

To be exact, one milligram of thyroxin increases the metabolic rate two per cent. That illustrates some of the power of the internal secretion of the thyroid and its importance to normal life. But not only is the height of pressure of energy in the cells controlled by the thyroid. The mobility of that energy is also controlled.

In our crossed circulation experiments we found that neither waste products nor metabolic poisons could be considered the principal cause of the brain-cell changes. We found that in the production both of muscular action and of fever there were brain-cell changes which showed a quantita-tive relation to the temperature changes or to the muscular work done.

A unit of electrical or magnetic force equals many of the force of gravity; a number of electrical units are required to make one of chemical force; and chemico-vital ormetabolicforce is still higher; whereas thought regarded as a form of force must be vastly beyond this again.

We then saw in these three systems representatives of the three alchemical functions 'sulphurous' in the metabolic, 'saline' in the nervous, 'mercurial' in the mediating rhythmic system.

In the human being it is responsible for that metamorphosis of organic processes which occurs on the path from the metabolic to the nervous system, and which we came to recognize as the precondition for the appearance of consciousness within the organism. What powerful forces must be at work in the plant organism at this point of transition from its green to its coloured parts!