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Updated: January 2, 2025
Now he said gently "Tell me about yourself." Bunning gulped and gripped the baggy knees of his trousers. "I'm very unhappy," he said at last desperately "very. And if you hadn't come with me the other night to hear Med-Tetloe I'm sure I don't know why you did I shouldn't have come now " "Well, what's the matter?" Bunning's mouth was full of toast. "It was that night that service.
Olva, knowing what his own loneliness was, and the terror of it, understood. A fortnight ago he would have hated the scene, have sent Bunning, with a cutting word, flying from the room, never to return. "I say, Bunning, you mustn't carry on like this you're overdone or something. Besides, I don't understand. What does it matter if you have grown to distrust Med-Tetloe and all that crowd.
But when you the last man in College to care about it-went and gave it its chance I thought that would prove it. And then when I went to him he was so silly, Med-Tetloe I mean. Oh! I can't describe it but it was just no use and I began to feel that it was all no good. I don't believe there is a God at all it's all been wrong I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go.
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