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At this the worthy McLaughlan showed some little uneasiness and told George he might do better than deal with that person. George said he should be glad to do better, but did not see how. "Humph!" said McLaughlan, and fidgeted. McLaughlan then invited George to a glass of grog, and while they were sipping he gave an order to his man.

The result of all which was that McLaughlan came over to him at daybreak and George made a very profitable exchange with him. At the end of six months more George found himself twice as rich in substance as at first starting; but instead of one hundred pounds cash he had but eighty. Still if sold up he would have fetched five hundred pounds.

No more he did while he was sober, but, alas! some hours later, having a drop in his head, he betrayed the secret to one or two say forty. Robinson pitched their tent and mounted guard over the nugget. George was observed to be in a strange flutter. He ran hither and thither. Ran to the post-office ran to the stationer got paper drew up a paper found McLaughlan made him sign it went to Mr.

The Convoy was gradually being enlarged, and a great many new drivers came out from England just after I got back. McLaughlan gave me a great welcome when I went for the washing that afternoon. "It's good to see you back, Miss," he said, "the driver they put on the lorry was very slow and cautious you know the 'en we always try to catch?