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And has Maida a little theater of her own and a doll-house as big as a cottage?” Laura asked. “Yes.” “And did she have a May-party last year that she invited over four hundred children to?” Harold asked. “Yes.” “And did you give her her weight in silver dollars once?” Mabel asked. “Yes.” “And a family of twenty dolls?” Dorothy asked. “Yes, you shall see all these things when we come back,” Mr.

So for the May-party, I want you to ask a few of your friends to come up." "All right, I will; the boys will all be glad to come. Which ones do you want?" "I've already asked Roger Farrington, and we'll see about the others later." "All right," said Patty, carelessly; "I've one or two new friends whom I'm sure you will like." The next day Patty had a brilliant idea for a joke on Kit Cameron.

I went on a tramp one May morning to buy a tissue-paper wreath of flowers for a little girl to wear to a May-party, where all the other little girls were expected to appear similarly crowned. After a long and weary search, I was forced to return without it. Scarcely had I pulled the bell, when I heard the quick pattering of little feet in the entry.

I went on a tramp one May morning to buy a tissue-paper wreath of flowers for a little girl to wear to a May-party, where all the other little girls were expected to appear similarly crowned. After a long and weary search, I was forced to return without it. Scarcely had I pulled the bell, when I heard the quick pattering of little feet in the entry.