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There are all sorts of itinerants, petits marchands, on the other side of the quay, looking on the water old women with fruit and cakes children with crabs and shrimps dolls in Boulonaise costume fishwives and matelottes, stalls with every description of food, tea, coffee, chocolate, sandwiches, and fried potatoes.

It belongs to the owner of one of the ships, and has been here en panne waiting till he can have it repaired." We went one evening to the Casino to see a "bal des matelottes." It was a curious sight a band playing on a raised stand a broad space cleared all round it and lots of people dancing. The great feature, of course, was the matelottes.

They are quite a feature of Boulogne, the young fishwives. One sees them often at low tide fishing for shrimps, carrying their heavy nets on their shoulders and flat baskets strapped on their backs into which they tip the fish very cleverly. They are quite distinct from the Boulonaises matelottes, who are a step higher in the social scale.

Monsieur Dufour pulled up and read the attractive announcement outside an eating house: Restaurant Poulin, matelottes and fried fish, private rooms, arbors, and swings. "Well, Madame Dufour, will this suit you? Will you make up your mind at last?" She read the announcement in her turn and then looked at the house for some time.

Monsieur Dufour pulled up and read the attractive announcement outside an eating house: Restaurant Poulin, matelottes and fried fish, private rooms, arbors, and swings. "Well, Madame Dufour, will this suit you? Will you make up your mind at last?" She read the announcement in her turn and then looked at the house for some time.