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When prince Eugene approached Turin, the duke of Orleans proposed to march out of the intrenchments and give him battle; and this proposal was seconded by all the general officers, except Marsin, who, finding the duke determined, produced an order from the French king commanding the duke to follow the mareschal's advice.

He repaired to Neiss, where he settled with mareschal Schwerin the general plan of the operations of the approaching campaign. There it was agreed, that the mareschal's army in Silesia, which consisted of fifty thousand men, should have in constant view the motions of the royal army, by which its own were to be regulated, that they might both act in concert, as circumstances should require.

Mareschal's system, bichromate of potassa piles may be utilized in a large number of cases where a light of but short duration is required until the battery is exhausted, without the tedious maneuvering of a winch and without inconvenience. The jack permits of a large number of lightings and extinctions being effected before it becomes necessary to wind up its clockwork movement.

But the king, elated with success, impetuous in his valour, and confident of the superiority of his own troops in point of discipline, thought all resistance must sink under the weight of his victorious arm, and yield to that courage which had already surmounted such difficulties, disregarded the mareschal's sage counsel, and inarched up to the attack undaunted, and even assured of success.

This operation, however, is very simple, and may be performed every time the battery is visited in order to see what state it is in. We regard Mr. Mareschal's apparatus as an indispensable addition to every case of domestic electric lighting in which bichromate of potassa piles are used, and, in general, to all cases where the pile becomes uselessly exhausted in open circuit.

You will go at once to the Mareschal's headquarters when the chief of the staff, General Jarras, will inform you." Lieutenant Fevrier went immediately up to Metz. His division was entrenched on the right bank of the Mosel and beyond the forts, so that it was dark before he passed through the gates.