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"Separated!" wailed Miss Adams. "Don't speak loud, for that infernal Mansoor may give us away again. I hope it won't be so, but it might. We must be prepared for the worst. For example, they might determine to get rid of us men and to keep you." Miss Adams shuddered. "What am I to do? For God's sake tell me what I am to do, Mr. Belmont! I am an old woman. I have had my day.

The short, thick Arab, who had been in command of Wad Ibrahim's rearguard, had Joined the Emir and the Moolah; the three consulted together, with occasional oblique glances towards the prisoners. Then the Emir spoke to Mansoor. "The chief wishes to know which of you four is the richest man?" said the dragoman.

Lulu, however, drawing the 'sword of good-luck, ordered ladders to be placed, and mounting to the storm, gained a complete victory all the garrison being slain, and Mansoor flying to his child in the interior chambers.

In earlier years Miss Whately did all the visiting herself, and her books bear abundant testimony to the skill with which she could turn the conversation to spiritual matters; in later years she was much assisted in it by Mrs. Shakoor and by a Bible-woman whom she employed. Mansoor and Yousif Shakoor engaged in similar work among men.

Four months later Mansoor Shakoor died, an irreparable loss to the mission, and four years later his brother Yousif followed him. From the opening of the new buildings the schools advanced rapidly.

Here the bereaved mother, hot for vengeance, followed, her flaming weapon in hand, and thrusting the trembling old man aside, smote the youth to the heart, crying: 'King Mansoor, be as miserable as Lulu, the mother of Ali. He understood who it was, and cried and beat his breast, incapable of other action.