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We hae a device for finding it a' out, which canna fail; and when you ken it you will applaud your dear dad's wisdom, and perfit maistery o' the haill science o' kingcraft." "I would your Majesty would make me acquainted with this notable scheme," replied Buckingham, with ill-concealed contempt. "I might make it more certain of success."

Weel, amo' the veesitors at the Castle was the Dowager Leddy Breadanham; an' it seemed that whan Leddy Carline was through wi' her narrateeve, the dowager be tae gie a kin' o' a scornfu' sniff an' cock her neb i' the air; an' she said, wha but she, that she didna hae muckle opingin o' Leddy Carline as a saumon fisher, an' that she hersel' didna believe there was a fush in the run o' Spey that she cudna get the maistery ower.

Meat is good, but Mense is better. Make not twa mewes of ane daughter. Many maisters, quoth the Poddock to the Harrow, when every tind took her a knock. Meat and Masse, never hindred man. Maistery mowes the Meadows down. March Whisquer was never a good Fisher. Mister makes men of craft. Make no balks of good beerland. Mickle Water runs, where the Miller sleeps.

The very men the dear craturs feed, and clothe, and protect, and cherish, sing in the pot-houses that they want their liberty 'Becaus their wifis hes maistery, That they dar nawayis cheip; Bot gif it be in privity, Quhan thair wifis are in sleip.