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And while they and others in the Manor were sleeping, Maryllia lay broad awake, watching the moonbeams creeping about her room like thin silver threads, interlacing every object in a network of pale luminance, and listening to the slow tick-tock of the rusty timepiece in the courtyard which said, 'Give all take nothing give all take no thing! with such steady and monotonous persistence.

He left them more and more behind him each second of the breathless chase, that, endless as it seemed, had lasted bare three minutes. If the night were but dark! He felt that pitiless luminance glistening bright about him everywhere; shining over all the summer world, and leaving scarce a shadow to fall athwart his way.

Foremost figure was M. Cartel seated at his music within a radius of yellow light shed by four candles, while, beside him, a tall thin boy, and, behind him, Jacqueline seemed enclosed in a secondary, fainter circle of luminance.

As godless, as hollow to the very core of rottenness, as her sister of ancient days, wanton "Lutetia" shines, with the ghastly and unnatural lustre of phosphorescent luminance arising from old graves and as divinely determined as the destruction of the old-time city splendid, is the approaching downfall of the modern capital.

It was my habit to go out at night for a walk through Amiens before going to bed, and generally turned river-ward, for even on moonless nights there was always a luminance over the water and one could see to walk along the quayside.

As he glanced upward, she looked literally in a blaze of luminance, and the wild, mellow tones of her voice, ringing out sounded like a mockery of that dying-bed beside which they had both so late stood together.