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At the city of Kaol we visited, cementing the new ties that had been formed between Kaol and Helium, and then one long-to-be-remembered day we sighted the tall, thin towers of the twin cities of Helium. The people had long been preparing for our coming. The sky was gorgeous with gaily trimmed fliers. Every roof within both cities was spread with costly silks and tapestries.

For several months she hung on desperately, hoping against hope, with everything going out and nothing coming in, then one bright and long-to-be-remembered day came news of the new railroad which was to cross the desert a hundred miles from Palada. Jerkline Jo made inquiry and found out the work was to begin at once, and that the project was a large one, involving difficult construction feats.

Darkness, tender as love itself, folded about them, and I went my peaceful way. Two long-to-be-remembered months passed swiftly. Mr. In the fullness of her joy Zura was quite ready to forgive and be forgiven, and said so very sincerely to her grandfather. Kishimoto San replied in a way characteristic.

The result of this meeting was never published, for it was on that day that long-to-be-remembered day that the great visitation overtook this city, engulfing myriads of its inhabitants. This was a mark of their god's displeasure for permitting this ancient city to be defiled by the erection of a Christian temple.