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Once he almost lost his grip entirely. But a final effort gave him a leg-hold, and slowly very slowly he climbed over to the leather cushions of the wide seat. If Arima now turned and saw him, almost anything might happen. But before he could become conscious that anyone was near him, Orme was crouching in the tonneau. The car was going at a thirty-five-mile clip.

"He is not so quick as our kind as yet. He is marvellously strong. He is not smart enough in the retreat after biting. His jaws are like the men-folk's steel traps, when they do get home. He misses the leg-hold every time, and that is surely foolish, for he could cripple them there in an instant. My teeth and claws! but what a neck he must have!

The shock of the jolt broke the continuity of Leclaire's mental process. "How much to the pan?" he demanded. "Pan nothin'!" Mucluc Charley was angry. "Idea got it got leg-hold ran it down." Leclaire's face took on a rapt, admiring expression, and again he hung upon the other's lips. " . . . O hell!" said Mucluc Charley.

In most cases, if you succeed, you will find yourself between your opponent and his goal, where all you have to do is to touch the board for a score. To use the legs at every possible chance should be a principle of the player. Once an opponent is caught in a good leg-hold he is rendered helpless. Incidentally, the wise player ceases struggling when he recognizes that he is caught beyond freeing.