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Yours very truly, LAURITZ BOLDEMANN SEEHUS, Late Master-Pilot. KRYDSVIG, January 22, 1889.

Yours very truly, LAURITZ BOLDEMANN SEEHUS. KRYDSVIG, December 25, 1889.

Missionaries leave London erect a mission-house at Nain regulations for their intercourse with the natives visited by great numbers manner of instruction they retire in winter, are visited by the Brethren in their houses. Death of Anauke. An incantation. Adventures in search of a dead whale. P.E. Lauritz deputed by the conference visits the missions his excursion along the coast.

"I believe that the first Norwegian Lutheran Church in New York was organized by Lauritz Larsen, then Norwegian Professor in Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, who stopped here for a while on his way to and from Norway in the early sixties.

And this extraordinarily mild winter has in some way kept the rheumatism out of my limbs; besides, I am strong by nature and no age to speak of; but, of course, it must be admitted that youth is better and more lively, of which, as above, nothing more will be said. As the years go on, Mr. Yours very truly, LAURITZ BOLDEMANN SEEHUS.

A sloop of war arrives to examine the settlement the Captain's report. Jans Haven's voyage to the north interesting occurrences. Lauritz leaves Nain his concluding address. The Brethren propose new settlements disastrous voyage in search of a situation. Liebisch appointed Superintendant. An Angekok baptized his address to the natives.

Yours very truly, LAURITZ BOLDEMANN SEEHUS. KRYDSVIG, October 20, 1889. I could have continued my silence a very long time yet, for it has not been a great autumn either on land or sea, but little summer storms, as if for frolic, with small seas and loose wreckage, but unusually far out, about three miles from land.

To Pastor Lauritz Larsen I am indebted for the following sketch of our Norwegian churches: "The Norwegians have always been a sea-faring people and a people looking for fields of labor all over the World. The real immigration begins about 1849, but there were Scandinavians on Manhattan Island in the Sixteenth Century. The Bronx is named after a Danish farmer, Jonas Bronck.

Yours very truly, LAURITZ BOLDEMANN SEEHUS, Late Master-Pilot. KRYDSVIG, April 13, 1889.