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Lathewood did the same, by keeping close to him, and feeling each inch of the way. Here there was a light burning; and they had to be extremely careful, since their movements could be seen by any one passing the front.

Don't be too hard on a fellow, Warmore. I declare" "Enough has been said. Now go!" He went. "You are too tender-hearted," remarked Detective Lathewood, when he and Mr. Warmore were walking homeward. "Perhaps I am; but mean as is the man, I shuddered at the thought of disgracing and ruining him for life." "But it was he, not you, who does that."

Fyfe Lathewood, one of the shrewdest detectives in New York City, told him all the circumstances, and ordered him to find out the whole truth, no matter what it cost, or where it might strike. The detective had been at work the better part of a week, without any one in Bellemore suspecting his identity or business.

Detective Lathewood was prompt, and met him at his gate. They walked briskly along the highway, until they entered the town and approached the large establishment which had been in the possession of the Warmore family for the better part of a century. The merchant's familiarity with his own premises enabled him to enter by a back way, without attracting the attention of the watchman or any one.