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Updated: December 10, 2024
But without it a man deteriorates. He becomes a keen, case-hardened tool, and no man. Our friends the Germans are not far wrong when they talk about developing what is universal in man, i.e. his humanity, which is a whole, and must be unfolded as a whole to be perfect, or even to approximate perfection. You will burn this if I go on, so I will leave you to Lancilotti.
These missioners were Antonio Criminal, Nicholas Lancilotti, and John Beyra, all three priests; the two first Italians, and the last a Spaniard: apostolical men, and of eminent virtue, particularly Criminal, who, of all the children of Ignatius, was the first who was honoured with the crown of martyrdom.
Being one day much troubled in his mind, he went to the college of St Paul, and opened himself to Father Lancilotti, desiring him to unfold to him the nature of that institute, with which he was so much taken, by seeing Father Xavier at Amboyna.
Father Xavier, since his return, had sent Nicholas Lancilotti to Coulan, Melchier Gonzales to Bazain, and Alphonso Cyprian to Socotora. Before his departure, he sent Gasper Barzæus to Ormuz, with one companion, who was not yet in orders. This famous town, situate at the entry of the Persian Gulph, was then full of enormous vices, which the mingle of nations and different sects had introduced.
Xavier disposed of them immediately, commanding, by his letters, "That Lancilotti should remain in the seminary of holy faith, there to instruct the young Indians in the knowledge of the Latin tongue, and that the other two should go to accompany Francis Mansilla on the coast of Fishery."
From the second day, he received such light, and so much comfort from above, that he believed himself in heaven already. He could not sufficiently admire, that those plain and easy truths, which he had often read without any taste of them, should make such lively impressions in him, as now they did. And he discovered this to Lancilotti, with expressions full of astonishment.
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