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'Karshook' appeared in 1856 in 'The Keepsake', edited by Miss Power; but, as we are told on good authority, has been printed in no edition or selection of the Poet's works. I am therefore justified in inserting it here. 'Would a man 'scape the rod? Rabbi Ben Karshook saith, 'See that he turn to God The day before his death. 'Ay, could a man inquire When it shall come! I say.

Ruskin much, and so does Robert. Very gentle, yet earnest, refined and truthful. I like him very much. We count him one among the valuable acquaintances made this year in England. 'Men and Women' 'Karshook' 'Two in the Campagna' Winter in Paris; Lady Elgin 'Aurora Leigh' Death of Mr. Kenyon and Mr. Barrett Penini Mrs.

The wrong name, once given, was retained, I have no doubt, from preference for its terminal sound; and 'Karshook' only became 'Karshish' in the Tauchnitz copy of 1872, and in the English edition of 1889. * The date is given in the edition of 1868 as London 185-; in the Tauchnitz selection of 1872, London and Florence 184- and 185-; in the new English edition 184-and 185-.

The Rabbi's eye shoots fire 'Then let him turn to-day! Quoth a young Sadducee: 'Reader of many rolls, Is it so certain we Have, as they tell us, souls? 'Son, there is no reply! The Rabbi bit his beard: 'Certain, a soul have I We may have none, he sneer'd. Thus Karshook, the Hiram's-Hammer, The Right-hand Temple-column, Taught babes in grace their grammar, And struck the simple, solemn.