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"Well, Uncle Jimmy-Jawed Jup'ter is jest nach'elly boon' to cuss, he's got a repertation to keep up," said Billy. He sat down in a chair in front of his aunt, crossed his legs and smiled confidentially up into her face. "Hell an' damn is jest easy ev'y day words to that nigger.

"'Keep way f'om me hoodoo an' witch, Lead my paf f'om the po'-house gate, I pines fey the golden harps an' sich, Oh, Lord, I'll set an' pray an' wait. 'Oh, Lord, bless ev'ybody; bless me an' Aunt Cindy, an' Wilkes Booth Lincoln, an' Aunt Blue-Gum Tempy's Peruny Pearline, an' Uncle Jimmy-Jawed Jup'ter, an' ev'ybody, an' Sam Lamb, an' Aunt Minerva, an' alley Aunt Blue-Gum Tempy's Peruny Pearline's chillens, an' give Aunt Minerva a billy goat or a little nanny if she'd ruther, an' bless Major Minerva, an' make me a good boy like Sanctified Sophy, fey Jesus' sake.

"She's the colored 'oman what 'tends to me ever sence me an' Wilkes Booth Lincoln's born, an' Uncle Jup'ter is her husban' an' he sho' is a stingeree on cussin'. Is yo' husban' much of a cusser?" he inquired. A pale pink dyed Miss Minerva's thin, sallow face. "I am not a married woman," she replied, curtly, "and I most assuredly would not permit any oaths to be used on my premises."

"I don' want to hear no Bible story, neither," he objected, "I wants to hear Uncle Jimmy-Jawed Jup'ter play his 'corjun an' sing: "'Rabbit up the gum tree, Coon is in the holler Wake, snake; Juney-Bug stole a half a dollar." "I'll sing you a hymn," said Miss Minerva patiently. "I don' want to hear you sing no hymn," said Billy impolitely. "I wants to see Sanctified Sophy shout."

"You don't know cussin' when you see it; you jest oughter hear ole Uncle Jimmy-Jawed Jup'ter, Aunt Cindy's husban'; he'll show you somer the pretties' cussin' you ever did hear." "Who is Aunt Cindy?"