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Whaur's the sense of a jaiket that'll no button upon you, if it should come to be weet? What do ye ca' thir things? Demmy brokens, d'ye say? They'll be brokens wi' a vengeance or ye can win back! Weel, I have nae thing to do wi' it it's no good taste." Clem, whose purse had thus metamorphosed his sister, and who was not insensible to the advertisement, had come to the rescue with a "Hoot, woman!

Whaur's the sense of a jaiket that'll no button upon you, if it should come to be weet? What do ye ca' thir things? Demmy brokens, d'ye say? They'll be brokens wi' a vengeance or ye can win back! Weel, I have naething to do wi' it it's no good taste." Clem, whose purse had thus metamorphosed his sister, and who was not insensible to the advertisement, had come to the rescue with a "Hoot, woman!

And there was another pause, while each rolled a stone under his foot. 'Cast your jaiket and I'll fecht ye for a bawbee, cried the elder boy with sudden violence, and dramatically throwing back his jacket. 'Na, I've nae time the now, said Francie, with a sharp thrill of alarm, because Crozer was much the heavier boy. 'Ye're feared.

Clem was leaning lazily forward when Archie first saw him. Presently he leaned nonchalantly back; and that deadly instrument, the maiden, was suddenly unmasked in profile. Her accoutrement was, indeed, a cause of heart- burning, and almost of scandal, in that infinitesimal kirk company. Mrs. Hob had said her say at Cauldstaneslap. "Daft-like!" she had pronounced it. "A jaiket that'll no meet!

And there was another pause, while each rolled a stone under his foot. "Cast your jaiket and I'll fecht ye for a bawbee," cried the elder boy with sudden violence, and dramatically throwing back his jacket. "Na, I have nae time the now," said Francie, with a sharp thrill of alarm, because Crozer was much the heavier boy. "Ye're feared.

Clem was leaning lazily forward when Archie first saw him. Presently he leaned nonchalantly back; and that deadly instrument, the maiden, was suddenly unmasked in profile. Her accoutrement was, indeed, a cause of heart-burning, and almost of scandal, in that infinitesimal kirk company. Mrs. Hob had said her say at Cauldstaneslap. "Daftlike!" she had pronounced it. "A jaiket that'll no meet!