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In the Forty-ninth Volunteers, Company L, composed wholly of colored men, and commanded by Captain Edward L. Baker, a colored veteran of Santiago, who had served for seventeen years in the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry and in the Tenth "Immunes," made a wonderful record.

When taken sick they received the best possible care, and after their recovery they had the advantage of being "immunes" who had nothing further to fear from the disease which has caused the death of thousands and tens of thousands of Spanish soldiers and immigrants who have come to Cuba under the orders of their government or to seek their fortunes.

The first time, it killed the bugs for all of us who smoked and it didn't work for you because you never learned the habit." Lou had the tractor turned and the rheostat all the way to the floor. She was sitting up now, but she wasn't fully satisfied. "The percentage of immunes seems about right. But why do some of the smokers get the disease while some don't?" "Why not?

A plague kills off those who are susceptible to it, leaving immunes to build up a world again. But immunes are the first to be killed when a mass neurosis sweeps a population. Weald was definitely a Med Service problem world. Dara was another.

It was decided not to use the militia as it was then organized, but to rely for numbers as usual chiefly upon a volunteer army, authorized by the Act of the 22d of April, and by subsequent acts raised to a total of 200,000, with an additional 3000 cavalry, 3500 engineers, and 10,000 "immunes," or men supposed not to be liable to tropical diseases.

"Yes; I knew her there." "Then you don't need to be warned." I was silent. "She has incapacitated half my military household with lacerated hearts or, indirectly, with punctured bodies; there is small difference." "Better have only married officers," I suggested. "Lord, sir, they are the first victims. Immunes are what I want." "Like myself, for instance," said I.