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A hundred yards or more from the timber line was a clump of stunted trees. I determined to dismount my men and rest our horses. As we were dismounting one of the scouts, Al Igo, asked permission to ride up the ridge a ways and get a better look at the country. I gave consent but cautioned him not to venture too far.

The second day after crossing the Colorado river we ran on to a band of Indians, but to our satisfaction they were of the Pima tribe, and the same young Indian whose sister had assisted me in rescuing the white girl Olive Oatman, was with them. As soon as he saw me, he ran to meet me and shouted "Kain, igo," meaning "Hello, friend," and shook hands with me.

"'Ken ye aught of Captain Grose Igo and ago. Is he amang friends or foes? Iram, coram, dago. "Who set the dragoons on you?" said Donald. "That's the question." "By God, then, it's easily answered," said Matier. "I'll give it to you in the words of the poet "'Letters four do form his name. He let them loose and cried Halloo! To him alone the praise is due. "P.I.T.T. Does that content you?"

Possibly the German machine which is most familiar, by name, to the general public is the Taube, or, as it is sometimes called, the Etrich monoplane, from the circumstance that it was evolved by the Austrian engineer Igo Etrich in collaboration with his colleague Wels.

As soon as the girths of our saddles were loosened and guards placed around I threw myself on the grass and was asleep in five minutes. But my sleep was of short duration, for Igo came dashing back, calling, "get out of here, we are being surrounded." He said he had counted eighty odd warriors on one side and fifteen on the other.