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The commandant leaned against the prison-door gazing at the smith; Trenck was looking eagerly at the ceiling of his cell watching the shadows thrown there by the glowing coals. "It is the ignus fatuus of my freedom," said he, with a weary smile. "It is the fourth time they have danced on this ceiling it is the fourth time my chains have been forged.

Young Har is a unknown quantity, sir a will o' the wisp, or as you might say, a ignus fattus. At this pre-cise moment 'e may be in Jerusalem or Jericho or a-sittin' outside on the lawn which Gawd forbid! But there, don't let's talk of it. Come on down into the cellars, and we'll bring up enough port to drownd sorrer an' care all night." "With all my heart!" said Mr.

Aye, better a thousand times is it than the glimmering ignus fatuus rising from decayed hopes and leading the deluded follower to those horrible quagmires of social existence amalgamation and Mormonism." Prof. John W. Buckley, of Brooklyn, opposed the resolution in coarse and abusive language.

Of Meteors, Ignus fatuus and the rest, But to leave those to th' wise, I judge it best.

Herein lies the chief danger danger that the American workingman will follow this or that ignus fatuus, hoping thereby to find a shorter northwest passage to impossible spice islands, until poverty has degraded him from a self-respecting sovereign into a volcanic sans culotte; until he loses hope of bettering his condition by whereases, resolutions, trades-unions, acts of Congress, etc., and, like another blind and desperate Samson, lays his brawny hands upon the pillars of the temple and pulls it down about his ears.

"Man's spoliation of man by which I mean bodies of men living upon the labor of other men ought to have ceased with the coming of Christ, I say Christ, who was sent to proclaim the equality of man in the sight of God. But what is the fact? Equality up to our day has been an 'ignus fatuus, a chimera.

"Man's spoliation of man by which I mean bodies of men living upon the labor of other men ought to have ceased with the coming of Christ, I say CHRIST, who was sent to proclaim the equality of man in the sight of God. But what is the fact? Equality up to our day has been an 'ignus fatuus, a chimera.