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If he was wearing the scarab when he arrived at the Eltham house, he must have left that house unobserved and gone to Woodford; but if he was not wearing it he probably went from Woodford to Eltham, and there finally disappeared. As to whether he was or was not wearing the scarab when he was last seen alive by Hurst's housemaid, there is at present no evidence.

Here the two men found, not only Miss Bellingham, but also her father, who had come in by the back gate. "Mr. Godfrey and his daughter listened to Mr. Hurst's story with the greatest surprise, and assured him that they had neither seen nor heard anything of John Bellingham. "Presently the party left the library to walk up to the house; but only a few feet from the library door Mr.

"I noticed that it is very much to Hurst's advantage that the body has not been found." "Yes, of course. But there are some other points that are very significant. However, it would be premature to discuss the terms of the will until we have seen the actual document or a certified copy." "If there is a copy extant," I said, "I will try to get hold of it.

I repeat, he would not dare." "Sire, your death warrant was made out." "What!" "I saw it, Sire, in Lord Hurst's hands; and he told me indirectly what was to take place." "Leoni!" cried the King. "Those are the simple words of truth, Sire. That death warrant, signed by the King's own hand, was the mainspring of my action. Was I not justified in doing anything to save your life?"