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It must be said that Bela did not get much sympathy from the women. Most of them hated her with an astonishing bitterness. As Neenah, Hooliam's wife, explained it to Eelip Moosa, a visitor in camp: "That girl Bela, she is weh-ti-go, crazy, I think. She got a bad eye. Her eye dry you up when she look. You can't say nothing at all. Her tongue is like a dog-whip. I hate her.

The passengers ferried themselves ashore in the Flat-iron, which had been stowed, much against Hooliam's will, on board the Loseis. After supper, as time passed and there was no sign of the returning crew, Garth sent Charley after Hooliam with a peremptory message. Hooliam returned, cap in hand, his whole attitude changed.

To Garth it seemed as if they took an interminable time to prepare and eat their simple meal; and afterward there could no longer be any doubt, from the way they loafed about, that they were soldiering, as a result of Hooliam's low-voiced encouragement. They grinned with childish impudence at the scowling moon-i-yas.

At last Hooliam produced a pack of cards and a game of "jack-pot" was started on the shore. This constituted frank defiance; and Garth took instant action. "Put up those cards!" he commanded. The boys laughed and looked at Hooliam. "Get on board the boat," Garth ordered, through Charley. Hooliam's eyes bolted; but he made no move.

Evidently, like most of the breeds, he understood more English than he cared to confess. "He says that Pierre Toma told him," said Charley. "Ask him how it is he comes up with such a small load," suggested Garth. Charley repeated the question in Cree. Hooliam's answer was prompt and glib. "He says that the water was too low to bring a full load," translated Charley.