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To her he was the enemy, and to be treated as such consistently, with a heart-and-soul hostility, until he confessed himself beaten. Drake liked her all the better for her attitude. Meanwhile he made headway in the constituency. He was in earnest, with a big theme to descant upon the responsibility of the constituency to the empire.

Tell me if there is any consideration due Wall Street and its heart-and-soul butchers at the hands of honest men." "I don't know what you mean, Bob. What are you driving at?" "Never mind what I am driving at. I ask you whether, if an honest man knew how to beat Wall Street at its own game, he should hesitate to beat it hesitate because of anything connected with conscience or morals?

This neglect irritated Joe, and he would doubly enjoy Sally's heart-and-soul passion for The Nine-Tenths. Sally was growing into his working life, day by day. Her presence was stimulating, refreshing.

The muffled woman rose, turned toward the settle, and slowly unwound the long swathes that hid her face: they dropped on the ground, and she stepped over them. The feet of the princess were toward the hearth; Mara went to her head, and turning, stood behind it. Then I saw her face. It was lovely beyond speech white and sad, heart-and-soul sad, but not unhappy, and I knew it never could be unhappy.