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'Let Hallgerda betroth herself, said Hrut, when they had told her what terms had been arranged, and that Glum should bring goods or money to an equal value to Hallgerda's, and that they two should divide the whole. After that the betrothal ceremony took place, and Glum went away, and returned no more till his wedding.

There was a great company in Hauskuld's hall to witness Hallgerda's marriage, and when the feast began Thiostolf might have been seen stalking about holding his axe aloft; but, as the guests pretended not to know he was there, no harm came of it. For some time Glum and his wife lived happily together, though Hallgerda proved herself the same greedy yet wasteful woman she had been before.

Hallgerda's heart was filled with joy when Gunnar came under the doorway, but Rannveig said nothing, for her heart was sad. All that winter Gunnar sat fast at Lithend and would not be prevailed on to leave it, and when the winter had gone and the Thing had met, Gizur the white proclaimed Gunnar an outlaw for having broken his atonement.

'Swart, your house servant has been killed by Hallgerda and Kol her man, said Gunnar gravely when Njal stood before him; and he told the tale as he had heard it from the messenger. 'It is for you, Njal, to fix the atonement, he said at the end. 'You will have work to atone for all Hallgerda's misdoings, answered Njal, 'and it will take all our old friendship to keep us from quarrelling now.

So they gathered wood and made a great stack before the door, and Skarphedinn laughed, and asked if they were turning cooks. It was Grani, the son of Gunnar, whose soul was black like his mother Hallgerda's, who answered him.

At this Thorwald reproached her, saying that it was her fault if garners were not yet full, and on Hallgerda's taunting him with being a miser, struck her such a blow in the face that blood spouted, and when he left her to row with his men to the islands, Hallgerda sat still, vowing vengeance. It was not long in coming.

He lifted his axe and gave a blow at Hallgerda's husband, and, though Thorwald tried to defend himself, a second stroke clove his skull. 'Your axe is bloody, said Hallgerda, who was standing outside the door.