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The butler rattles the portières and two more people come in. "This is very nice!" says the hostess again accent on the is. It may be here noted that at the conclusion of the evening each guest murmurs in a simpering, half-persuasive yet consciously deprecatory manner as if apologizing for the necessity of so bald a prevarication "Good-night! We have had such a good time!

He held out his hand to her with a smile half-mocking, half-persuasive. The music swung on with a subtle enchantment. Dinah uttered a little quivering laugh, and went to him. In another moment the door closed, and they stood alone in the passage. "I knew you wanted to," said Eustace, smiling down into her eyes with the arrogance of the conqueror.

Snowdon entered, looking alarmed, and anxious to know the cause of the confusion. "How interesting! I never knew you kept a ghost. Tell me all about it, Sir Jasper, and soothe our nerves by satisfying our curiosity," she said in her half-persuasive, half-commanding way, as she seated herself on Lady Treherne's sacred sofa.

It was soft with that caressing quality she knew of old that tenderness, half-humorous, half-persuasive, that had won her heart so long, so long ago. She did not answer him for she could not. He waited for the space of a score of seconds, standing close to her, yet still not touching her, looking down in silence at the proud dark head abased before him.

Perhaps he even believed he held a charmed life, for he boasted that he had been fired at thirty times and only his hair had been touched. In personal appearance he was tall and slender, with rather a military bearing. He had an impressive, half-persuasive, half-commanding manner.

Had not he himself warned her over and over again, and she had not listened? Perhaps he had not meant her to listen. Perhaps it had only been another of his devilish artifices for ensnaring her, that attitude of humility, half-scoffing, half-persuasive, with which he had masked his inner vileness.