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"And I was invited, sir, not that I am a musician or know one note from another, but because I am of the family of the gentleman who was to be honored, and as a mark of distinguished favor to both members of the family. The band played so beautifully, that it was not allowed to stop until half-past-eleven at night, when it retired in great triumph."

These things come by a sort of social instinct, are in the air, as it were, and do not much tax the mind. He had to hasten a little to keep his half-past-eleven o'clock appointment at Stalker's stables, and when he arrived several men of his set were already waiting, who were also busy men, and had made a little effort to come round early and assist Jack in making up his mind about the horse.

"Only for the present occasion we are blue?" said Bessie airily. "Yes all blue," echoed Mrs. Stokes. "Sky-blue," and they both laughed. "You must agree at what hour you will go into Norminster on Monday the half-past-eleven train is the best," Colonel Stokes said. "Cannot we go to-morrow?" his wife asked. "No, it is Saturday, market-day;" and his suggestion was adopted.

These things come by a sort of social instinct, are in the air, as it were, and do not much tax the mind. He had to hasten a little to keep his half-past-eleven o'clock appointment at Stalker's stables, and when he arrived several men of his set were already waiting, who were also busy men, and had made a little effort to come round early and assist Jack in making up his mind about the horse.