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Our hands and arms, as far as the elbows, swelled, so that our sleep at night was often disturbed by pain. Mother made the butter. She had to rise at two and three o'clock in the morning, in order that it would be cool and firm enough to print for market. Jane Haizelip had left us a year previously, and we could afford no one to take her place. The heavy work told upon my gentle, refined mother.

It was usual for him to take all new-comers under his wing, and with officious good-nature endeavour to make them feel at home. He called on us daily, tied his horse to the paling fence beneath the shade of a sallie-tree in the backyard, and when mother was unable to see him he was content to yarn for an hour or two with Jane Haizelip, our servant-girl.

"Seeing your name on yer bags, an' knowin' you was belonging to the Bossiers, I ask if yer might be a daughter of Dick Melvyn, of Bruggabrong, out by Timlinbilly." "Yes, I am." "Well, miss, please remember me most kindly to yer pa; he was a good boss was Dick Melvyn. I hope he's doin' well. I'm Billy Haizelip, brother to Mary and Jane. You remember Jane, I s'pose, miss?"

He said good morning and went off, not sure whether he was most amused or insulted. A Career Which Soon Careered To An End While mother, Jane Haizelip, and I found the days long and life slow, father was enjoying himself immensely. He had embarked upon a lively career that gambling trade known as dealing in stock.