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Sea bathing is beneficial in many ways for children, as their skin reacts well after it. In all cases, brisk rubbing with a rough towel should be had afterwards. Magnified Section of the Lower Portion of a Hair and Hair-Follicle. The golden rule of all bathing is that it must never be followed by a chill.

Connected with the hair-follicles are small bundles of muscular fibers, which run obliquely in the skin and which, on shortening, may cause the hairs to become more upright, and thus are made to "stand on end." The bristling back of an angry cat furnishes a familiar illustration of this muscular action. Hair and Hair-Follicle.

Opening into each hair-follicle are usually one or more sebaceous, or oil, glands. These consist of groups of minute pouches lined with cells producing an oily material which serves to oil the hair and keep the skin moist and pliant. The Nails. The nails are also formed of epidermis cells which have undergone compression, much like those forming the shaft of a hair.

We are familiar with the straight lank hair of the Mongolian peoples and of the various tribes of American Indians, in whom the hair possesses these peculiarities because each element grows as a nearly perfect cylinder from the cells of the skin at the bottom of a tiny pit or hair-follicle.

When the tissues have been bruised or chafed after such fashion, especially if the surface of the skin has been at the same time broken, and any pus-organism is either present in the hair-follicle, like the white coccus, or rubbed into it by a finger or finger-nail which has just been sucked in the mouth, used to pick the nose, or possibly engaged in dressing some wound, or cutting meat, or handling fertilizer, then all the materials for an explosion are at hand.

A hair is formed by a depression, or furrow, the inner walls of which consist of the infolded outer skin. This depression takes the form of a sac and is called the hair-follicle, in which the roots of the hair are embedded. At the bottom of the follicle there is an upward projection of the true skin, a papilla, which contains blood-vessels and nerves.