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The clank of his heavy spurs, as he entered the sleeping apartment of the haciendado, awoke the latter who on opening his eyes and seeing his nocturnal visitor in full riding-costume, cried out: "What! is it time to set forth upon the chase? I did not know the hour was so late!"

The haciendado, but little versed in the knowledge of the female heart, misconstrued the tears, which are sometimes a luxury to women; and he could conceive nothing of the happiness which was drawing them from his daughter's eyes. He questioned her anew, but she contented herself with answering, while her lips were parted by a smile, and her eyes were still moist.

"He shall be my war-horse," exclaimed Diaz, his eyes sparkling with pleasure at the gift. "I shall ornament his crest with Indian scalps, in honour of him who gave him to me." "I cannot divine what has delayed Don Estevan," said the haciendado, changing the subject of conversation. "He should have been here three hours before this, that is, if he passed the night at La Poza."

"I agree with you," responded the haciendado; "but, as I have said to you, my word is given to Don Estevan de Arechiza." "What!" exclaimed the monk, "this Spaniard to be your son-in-law!" Don Augustin smiled mysteriously as he replied: "He! no, good Fray Jose, not he, but another. Don Estevan does not wish this alliance." "Caspita!" exclaimed the monk. "Does he think it beneath him?"