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"What time are we gettin' out?" James swung round with the alertness of a panther. One of the men was standing in the doorway, a burly ruffian whose face was turned to his leader, but whose cruel eyes were rudely fixed on the woman. "In ha'f-an-hour," cried James, with a swift return to his harsh command. "Tell the boys to vittle for three days an' roll a blanket. We'll need 'em fer sleep.

His teeth clipped together with the force of his emotion. The brute in him urged him as madly in his desire as it did in his harsher tempers. "I just don't care for nothing else but you. An' I got you now. Here, you haven't kissed me since I came back. I'd forgot, thinking of that sixty thousand of gold-dust. I'm off again in ha'f-an-hour an' I won't be back for three days. Here "

"Now I guess I'll show you where his lay-out is if you'll sure give me your promise to let me hunt around fer ha'f-an-hour around his corrals 'fore you butt in. Then I'll get right back to you an' you can go up, an' shoot him to hell, if you notion that fancy." Scipio almost beamed his thanks. The man's kindness seemed a noble thing to him. "You're a real bully fellow," he said.

"Say, you can quit huggin' them fixin's," he cried. "I ain't come pryin' around a leddy's wardrobe. You ken jest set down with paper an' ink an' things, an' write down how best Zip's kids can be raised. I'll git right back for it in ha'f-an-hour." Nor did he wait for any reply. It was taken for granted that his demands would be promptly acceded to, and he vanished as abruptly as he came.