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"The marchesa has confided to me the charge of this most delicate case. Hitherto I have conducted it with success. It is not my habit to fail. I have succeeded in convincing Count Nobili's lawyer, and through him Count Nobili himself, that it would be suicidal to his interests should he not make good the marriage-contract with the Marchesa Guinigi's niece.

If you hear it mentioned, contradict it flatly contradict it, on my authority the authority of the Marchesa Guinigi's oldest friend. Nobili will marry Nera Boccarini, and there will be an end of it; and Enrica yes, Baldassare," continued the cavaliere, with an air of immense dignity "yes, to prove to you how ridiculous this report is, Enrica is about to marry also.

I hear you are to marry the Marchesa Guinigi's niece." "Balduccio, I thank you. Within a week I hope to bring her home to Lucca. There will then be but one Guinigi home in the two palaces. The marchesa makes her heiress of all she possesses." Prince Ruspoli is satisfied. Now he will back Count Nobili to any odds. He will name his next foal Mario Nobili.

The stern and repulsive aspect of the exterior of the Marchesa Guinigi's palace belied the antique magnificence within. Here an anteroom, with Etruscan urns and fragments of mediaeval sculpture let into the walls, gives access to a great sala, or hall, where Paolo Guinigi entertained the citizens and magnates of Lucca with sumptuous hospitality.

"What news have you heard?" asked Beppo Malatesta. "There's such a lot." "Wall, the news I have heard is, that Count Nobili is engaged to marry the Marchesa Guinigi's little niece. Dear little thing, they say like an English 'mees' fair, with red hair." "Is that your style of beauty?" lisped Orazio, looking hard at him. But Ruspoli did not notice him. "But that's not half," cried Malatesta.

Both he and the priest bend low to the high altar, dip their fingers in the holy-water, cross themselves, bend again to the altar, turning right and left before leaving the cathedral. "That's Fra Pacifico," cries Carlotta, greatly excited "Fra Pacifico, the Marchesa Guinigi's chaplain. He's come down from Corellia for the festival."