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Having investigated Helene's activities rather more closely, however, I find I have made mention of no less than twenty-eight deaths attributed to Helene, which puts her one up on the Dutchwoman. The only possible point at which I may have gone astray in my calculations is in respect of the deaths at Guern.

Dr Galzain, of Ponivy, who, eighteen years before, had performed the autopsy on Le Drogo, cure of Guern, testified that though he had then been puzzled by the pathological conditions, he was now prepared to say they were consistent with arsenical poisoning.

``Ai but I'm so unhappy! Helene grieved. ``Where-ever I go Seglien, Guern, Bubry, Veuve Laboucher's people die! She had cause for grief, sure enough. In less than eighteen months thirteen persons with whom she had been closely associated had died of violent sickness. But more were to follow. In May of 1835 Helene was in service with the Dame Toussaint, of Locmine. Four more people died.

The accounts, nevertheless, insist more than once that between 1833 and 1841 Helene put away twenty-three persons. If she managed only six at Guern, that total should be twenty-two. From 1849 she accounted for Albert Rabot, the infant Ozanne, Perrotte Mace, Rose Tessier, and Rosalie Sarrazin five. We need no chartered accountant to certify our figures if we make the total twenty-eight.

A girl looking after the cure's sheep declared she had found grains of hemp in soup prepared for her by Helene. It was not, however, until 1833 that causing death is laid at her charge. In that year she entered the service of a priest in Guern, one Le Drogo. In the space of little more than three months, from the 28th of June to the 3rd of October, seven persons in the priest's household died.