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It had began to grow dark, and he was turning away to lie on the couch, when he heard the clatter of hoofs and saw Hugh Price mounted on his favorite black charger, riding toward Greensprings. Shortly after, Dinah's step was heard on the stairway, and his door was opened. "Where is Rebecca?" he asked. "Waiten," was the answer. "Waiting for what?" "For you, Massa Robert. You is gwine away."

Once John's mother and sister came to see her; but she was entertaining some ladies from Greensprings and wholly neglected her visitors. The grandmother held the baby on her knee, kissed the face, while her tears fell on it; then silently the two unwelcome visitors departed for their home, while Mrs.

She employed a private tutor and again mingled with the lords and ladies, and became one of the sparkling lights of Greensprings Manor. Hugh Price was kind and indulgent to her. Her temperament suited his own ideas of living, and but for the children they might have been happy. It is possible that Mr.

Price, on his gayly caparisoned steed, arrived. To one not acquainted with the state of Hugh Price's mind, his appearance and behavior on the occasion of his ride from Greensprings to Jamestown would have been mysterious and unaccountable.

Robert turned to his sister and asked: "Where is mother?" "She hath gone with her husband to Greensprings." "And left you alone?" "It was thought you would come."

Stevens was so busily engaged with the ladies from Greensprings that she did not even bid them adieu. Dark days were in store for Dorothe Stevens. She heeded not the constant reduction of her money until it was gone.