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Tendons and blood vessels readily lend themselves to transplantation and will also be referred to later. Muscle and nerve, on the other hand, do not retain their vitality when severed from their surroundings and do not functionate as grafts except for their connective-tissue elements, which it goes without saying are more readily obtainable from other sources.

The ovaries and uterus atrophy or shrink in size, and cease to functionate. The nervous system is being readjusted to meet the changed conditions. One symptom of the approach of this period is irregularity in menstruation; sometimes several periods are missed, then the menstrual flow appears normally for several months and then disappears again.

The function of the epiphysial cartilage is to provide for the growth of the shaft in length. While all epiphysial cartilages contribute to this result, certain of them functionate more actively and for a longer period than others. Those at the knee, for example, contribute more to the length of limb than do those at the hip or ankle, and they are also the last to unite.

As to how these isolated nerve cells functionate, Dr. Cajal gave the clew from the very first, and his explanation has met with universal approval. In the modified view, the nerve cell retains its old position as the storehouse of nervous energy.

In these new surroundings, the ovary or thyreoid is vascularised and has been shown to functionate, but there is not sufficient regeneration of the essential tissue elements to "carry on"; the secreting tissue is gradually replaced by connective tissue and the special function comes to an end. Even such temporary function may, however, tide a patient over a difficult period.

Later they married, and were sterile. The system never does two things well at the same time. The muscles and the brain cannot functionate in their best way at the same moment. One cannot meditate a poem and drive a saw simultaneously, without dividing his force. He may poetize fairly, and saw poorly; or he may saw fairly, and poetize poorly; or he may both saw and poetize indifferently.