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To ward off any chance of scurvy, it was determined to keep rigidly to a fresh-meat routine throughout the winter, and consequently a great number of seals and skuas had to be killed. At first the skua had been regarded as unfit for human food, but Skelton on a sledding trip had caught one in a noose and promptly put it into the pot.

These, with five wild ducks Mr Lathrope bringing down a pair right and left, on their way back, in a fashion which amply retrieved his character as a shot, and Frank securing the odd one were the nett result of the day's sport, in addition to the little sheathbill; and the shooting party returned to the house under the cliff as well satisfied with their own prowess as the home party were to welcome them, especially as they were now so plentifully provided with what all had been longing for since the last sheep had been washed overboard the Nancy Bell when she was off the Cape fresh-meat!

They promised not to catch him; and they carried out their promise." "Matilda, such questions are beyond you altogether. You can not be expected to understand the service. One of those trumpery, half-decked craft or they used to be half-deckers in my time has had three of those fresh-meat Jemmies over her in a single twelvemonth. But of course they were all bound by the bargain they had made.