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Updated: August 12, 2024

"A foundation-stone-laying!" mused Sir John. "But if you're already up to the first floor, how can you be laying the foundation-stone on Wednesday week?" "I didn't say foundation-stone. I said corners-tone," Edward Henry corrected him. "An entire novelty! That's why we can't be ready before Wednesday week." "And you want to advertise your house by getting the head of the profession to assist?"

"Oh!" said Edward Henry. And then after a pause added: "Pity we can't have a foundation-stone-laying!" "By the way, old Pilgrim's in the deuce and all of a haole, I heah. It's all over the Clubs." Just laike him! Greatest advertiser the world ever saw! Well, since that P. & O. boat was lost on the Goodwins, Cora Pryde has absolutely declined to sail from Tilbury. Ab-so-lute-ly!

Something to do with him being a sheriff in the City, you know. I bet you what you laike he went in for the Common Council simply in order to get even with old Pilgrim. In fact I know he did. And now a foundation-stone-laying has dan it." "A foundation-stone-laying?" "Yes. The new City Guild's building, you knaow. Royalty Temple Bar business sheriffs knighthood. There you are!"

Further, she was receiving over sixty proposals of marriage a day. And so on and so on! Most of this he gathered in an instant from the headlines alone. Nauseating! Another annoying item in the paper was a column and a half given to the foundation-stone-laying of the First New Thought Church, in Dean Street, Soho about a couple of hundred yards from its original site.

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