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Shann, his eyes watering from the sand, but able to see, watched that battle for a long second, judging that fork-tail was completely engaged in trying to free its best weapon from the grip of the wolverine. The latter clawed and bit with a fury which suggested Togi intended to immobilize that weapon by tearing it to shreds.

But at the moment the information concerning the other captive was of more value to Shann. He steadied his body against the wall with his good hand and got to his feet. Thorvald watched him. "I take it you have visions of action. Tell me, Lantee, why did you take that header off the cliff to mix it with fork-tail?" Shann wondered himself. He had no reason for that impulsive act. "I don't know "

It's a copy of the one I had; it must be!" They were too far away to be sure it was a duplicate, but It was coin-shaped and bone-white. And now the Wyvern swung it back and forth in a metronome sweep. Fork-tail skidded to a stop, its head beginning reluctantly at first, and then, with increasing speed to echo that left-right sweep.

The thing crawled out of the shallows, its eyes focused in a blind stare on the praying hands of the Wyvern. She halted, well up on the sand, when the body of her victim or prisoner Shann was certain that the fork-tail was one or the other was completely out of the water. Then, with lightning speed, she dropped her hands. Instantly fork-tail came to life. Fanged jaws snapped.

But a small and nagging doubt inside the younger man restrained his enthusiasm over such a voyage. Fork-tail had come out of the section of ocean which they must navigate in this very crude transport. And Shann had no desire to meet an uninjured and alert fork-tail in the latter's own territory. "Which island do we head for?" Shann kept private his personal doubts of their success.