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In the hall at Downing the logs were stirred to a blaze, and food and drink brought in a hospitable stir. "I have a letter to write before I sleep," Mr. Lovel told his daughter. "I will pray from Colonel Flowerdue the use of his cabinet." Cecily looked at him inquiringly, and he laughed. "The posts at Chastlecote are infrequent, Cis, and I may well take the chance when it offers.

Having written, he lay back in his chair and mused. When Colonel Flowerdue entered he found a brisk and smiling gentleman, sealing a letter. "Can you spare a man to ride express with this missive to town? It is for General Cromwell's private hand." "Assuredly. He will start at once lest the storm worsens. It is business of State?"

But for his skill in horse doctoring the sick beast would have been cut loose, and Colonel Flowerdue's party would have met only a coach laboring through the snow and would not have halted to discover its occupants.... He was a prisoner bound by a promise, but this meeting with Flowerdue had opened up a channel to communicate with London and that was not forbidden.

"I thank you, Colonel Flowerdue, but I think the mischief is now righted. I go on a journey into Oxfordshire with my daughter, and the snow has delayed us." He presented the young Parliament soldier, a cousin of Fairfax, to Cecily and Tony, the latter of whom eyed with disfavour the posse of grave Ironside troopers. "You will never get to Wendover this night," said Flowerdue.