United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Oh, do!" said Loman. "I'm certain to be able to pay then. I forgot all about the Nightingale." "The Nightingale? It must be an uncommon spicy bird to fetch in thirty pound!" "It's not a bird," said Loman, laughing; "it's a scholarship." "A what?" "A scholarship. I'm in for an exam, you know, and whoever's first gets fifty-pounds a year for three years." "But suppose you ain't first? what then?"

"Twenty-five chilogrammes, or fifty-pounds of the above four apples, yielded nearly fourty-two pounds of juice; which took three ounces of chalk and the white of six eggs, and produced more than six pounds of excellent liquid sugar.

The strong hemp canvas bore its one hundred and fifty-pounds' burden with the strength of bull hide, and the loading and unloading of miscellaneous baggage was performed with systematic despatch. In brief, there was nothing to regret the success of the journey proved our departure to be anything but premature.

Boys under seventeen are eligible. Particulars and subject of examination can be had any evening next week in the secretary's room." "Fifty-pounds a year for three years!" exclaimed a small boy, with a half whistle. "I wouldn't mind getting that!" "Well, why don't you, you avaricious young Jew?