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She ran forward with the eagerness of a thirsty bird, and, leaning on the bank, supported by bent arms, bent down and drank with keenest relish of the cool spring waters gathered in the "cove," then dabbled her brown slender fingers in the shining depths, watching, with a smile, concentric, widening ripples as they hurried out across the glassy surface, to the ferned bank beyond.

And here I sat down to listen to the morning concert, and I saw, cut or carved upon the table, this verse, which so pleased me that I copied it in my book: A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! Rose plot, Fringed pool, Ferned grot The veriest school of peace; and yet the fool Contends that God is not Not God! in gardens? when the even is cool?

The farm-hand drew his horses down to a walk, that not a note might be marred. "A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! Rose plot, Fringed pool, Ferned grot The veriest school Of Peace, and yet the fool Contends that God is not Not God! in gardens! when the eve is cool? Nay, but I have a sign: 'Tis very sure God walks in mine." Together words and music were something to remember.

If he will only get the idea that he can study his profession and profit thereby, this idea in his head will turn out to be worth a great deal to him. A bunch of us sat in the Silver Grill of the Hotel Spokane where we could see the gold fish and the baby turtles swimming in the pool of the ferned grotto in the center of the room.