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Labaume: Relation circonstanciée de la campagne de Russie. Wilson: A Narrative of the Campaign in Russia during the Year 1812. Du Casse: Mémoires et Correspondance du Prince Eugène. Rapp: Mémoires. Bausset: Mémoires. III. Lossberg, V., Briefe in die Heimat geschrieben während d. Feldzugs 1812 in Russland. Yorck von Wartenburg: Napoleon als Feldherr.

Yorck von Wartenberg: Napoleon als Feldherr, almost supersedes the older authority of Clausewitz, Jomini, Ruestow, and Lossau. The Armies of Austria and Sardinia Montenotte and Millesimo Mondovi and Cherasco Consequences of the Campaign The Plains of Lombardy The Crossing of the Po Advance Toward Milan Lodi Retreat of the Austrians Moral Effects of Lodi.

"The rest of the fleet!" exclaimed the Field Marshal. "It is impossible." "We shall see, Feldherr!" laughed the Kaiser. "Meanwhile, suppose we come out of the danger zone." The three greatest men in Germany, and perhaps on the Continent of Europe, lined up with their backs to the wall at the farther end of the room from the tank, and the Irishman sat down to his machine.

This was the monumental blunder of his life because it put him at Austria's mercy without her being forced to reveal her policy. Yorck, Napoleon als Feldherr.

What do you think, Herr Kantzler and Feldherr?" "Under the present circumstances of the other monarchies of Europe, your Majesty," replied the Chancellor, "it would be cheap at a hundred millions, especially with reference to a certain fleet, which appears to be making the ocean its own country." "Quite so," said the Field Marshal.