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If she works from seven o'clock in the morning until eleven o'clock at night, she can make four dozen; but, with the care of her child, she is unable to average more than three dozen, for which, after the expressage is taken out, she receives forty cents a day for the support of herself and child. Her rent for the one little room is one dollar per week.

They weighed 378 pounds, and the rate is 75 cents per hundred pounds that makes $2.63," he replied, drawing a small notebook from his pocket and consulting a memorandum he had made. "Do you always figure out things?" asked the banker, apparently much interested that Bob had taken the trouble to find out the rate and figure the cost of the expressage to Pittsburgh. "I do most always," he answered.

The set was offered to the churches for five dollars: the actual cost of reproduction and expressage. On the day after the publication of the magazine containing the offer, enough telegraphic orders were received to absorb the entire edition. A second edition was immediately printed; and finally ten editions, four thousand sets in all, were absorbed before the demand was filled.

"That sounds to me!" said the Kid, at last betraying interest. "What'll the expressage be to take me out there with you?" "Twenty-four dollars," said Captain Boone; "grub and transportation. Second cabin. I haven't got a first cabin." "You've got my company," said the Kid, pulling out a buckskin bag. With three hundred dollars he had gone to Laredo for his regular "blowout."

It may "produce revenue," but seldom profit from circulation, for the price to agents is frequently below the cost of white paper and expressage. The subscription price is usually placed below the profit line, and extra inducements offered in the way of "premiums." Somehow, a circulation, bona fide or fake, must be worked up as an excuse for elongating the business man's leg.