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Of course, I know what the matter is; and it's very lovely and awfully romantic, but really I'm afraid that he is quite gone, dear. Don't you think you could think of some one else?" I said I couldn't bear to, that I didn't want to go to Estrella's party, that I hated the thought of the people I would have to meet.

That man had done it; that man was in his power. He would get even. How? Estrella, too, lay huddled, helpless and defenseless, at his feet. She had done it. He would get even. How? He had spoken no word. He spoke none now, either in answer to Estrella's appeals, becoming piteous in their craving for relief from suspense, or in response to Brent Palmer's steady stream of insults and vituperations.

The actual state of affairs whatever it might be he did not see; and the actual woman supplied merely the material medium necessary to the reality of his idea. Whether Estrella's eyes were interested or bored, bright or dull, alert or abstracted, contented or afraid, Senor Johnson could not have told you. He might have replied promptly enough that they were happy and loving.

Just think, Hallie, your mother knew his mother well, and he used to play with Estrella's brothers." Estrella flushed. "He hasn't been in our house since he was a little boy," she said angrily. "I wouldn't think of bowing to him on the street. He hasn't been received in good society for a long time." Hallie sagely shook her head.

Already some days before the Order in Council the disappearance of Estrella's body, her daring prophecies, had led to the embarkation of 700 Jews for Palestine; and when the Regent's Edict gave startling confirmation of her prediction of "the Return", in many a million hearts thrilled the certainty: "the Day of the Lord is nigh!"