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The city of Mursa, or Essek, celebrated in modern times for a bridge of boats, five miles in length, over the River Drave, and the adjacent morasses, has been always considered as a place of importance in the wars of Hungary. Magnentius, directing his march towards Mursa, set fire to the gates, and, by a sudden assault, had almost scaled the walls of the town.

"Seat yourself at my escritoire, and write what I shall dictate." Eugene took up his pen and wrote: "INSTRUCTIONS FOR MY OFFICERS:" "My health being too weak to allow of my remaining any longer in active service, I am compelled to resign the command of the imperial armies to another. My successor, his highness the Elector of Bavaria, is at Essek, and will he with the army in a few hours.

"Oh, my general!" "Hush! Here come the couriers." The duke bade them welcome, adding, "Did his imperial majesty charge you with any letter subject to my order?" "Yes, your highness. We have one to the Elector of Bavaria, which, according as your highness commanded, was to be delivered to the elector, or returned to his majesty." "Hasten to Essek, and deliver it to the elector.

He assumes the chief command, or his troops are this day ordered to Bavaria." "The emperor will never yield. He ought not to yield." "The decision of this difficulty has been left with me. Max is close at hand, in Essek, awaiting my determination. And now, Eugene, what answer shall I send him?" "There is but one. The Austrian army cannot spare the Duke of Lorraine."

In vain the Emperor Leopold I sent an embassy to Constantinople to dissuade the Sultan from his purpose. Early in the spring of 1683 Sultan Mahomet marched forth from his capital with a large army, which at Belgrad he transferred to the command of the Grand Vizier Kara Mustapha. Tekeli formed a junction with the Turks at Essek.