United States or Togo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But we had scarcely begun to taste the gifts that fortune had sent us in the shape of huge sausages and brown bread the luxuries! for which the soldier of Teutchland wooes the goddess of war than we found ourselves ordered to move off the ground, by the peremptory mandate of a troop of the Royal Guard, who had followed our movement, more hungry, more thirsty, and more laced and epauleted than ourselves.

The voices were good and the lines amusing not merely to the guards here and there but to most of their epauleted superiors who, with lights out for coolness, sat in tilted chairs on a far corner of the front veranda to catch the river breeze. One lay was so antique as to be as good as new: "Our duck swallowed a snail, And her eyes stood out with wonder.

It was a brown, sinewy hand on his shoulder, a hand protruding from a well tailored gray sleeve and lilac striped cuff, that caught Hamdi Bey by the epauleted shoulder and sent him spinning about. Another hand was holding a revolver very directly at him. "Silence!" said Jack Ryder in his best Turkish and repeated it, with amplification, in English. "Not a sound or I'll blow your head off."

The wide sidewalks were dense with bestarred and epauleted personages in various keys of discussion. Jack and his crony, Barney Moore, studied the scene in wonder. Their company was halted exactly at the corner of Fourteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, and the two were standing at Willard's corner. "I wonder if the President just stands and throws the stars down from that balcony?"