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No matter what these green fireballs were, the military was getting a little edgy. They might be common meteorites, psychologically enlarged flares, or true UFO's, but whatever they were they were playing around in one of the most sensitive security areas in the United States.

According to the best interpretation of the maze of conflicting stories, facts and rumors about these famous sightings the only positive fact is that there were scattered storm clouds across West Texas on the night of November 4, 1957. This was unusual for November and everyone in the community was just a little edgy.

My nerves have gotten a little edgy lately." Entman smiled understandingly. "I don't wonder. As to this living machine no ... it's not a machine because it did live. Let's see what we can figure out. What's it made of? The material used in its construction is oh, hell how can I put it? This way, maybe. Take a wool blanket and call it genuine flesh, blood and bone.

He said it rather crossly, for his nerves were what he called edgy, and the girl still irritated him. "Well, what do you know about that?" He had known she would say that. Cross between a peacock and a parrot, she must be, he thought vindictively. It was maddening that she would not could not, perhaps? live up to that goddess-on-the-mountain-top look she had sometimes.

I had been sitting around Chris's for a couple of hours, and I was beginning to get edgy. The reason I was sitting around Chris's was not that I liked Cokes particularly, but that it was one of the hanging-out places of a juvenile gang called The Leopards, with whom I had been trying to work for nearly a year; and the reason I was becoming edgy was that I didn't see any of them there.