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Then, Bonney, listen to my lay, And if you wish to thrive, Send back the money quick to me, To number sixty-five. Who wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long, Had better to Echunga go, And not to Mount Coorong. But as for me I like a swag, At least a little more Than what we got there in a week Eight pennyweights 'mongst four.

I paid as Licence Fee; Ah! cruel Bonney! pray return, That one pound ten to me. When to Echunga diggings first I hastened up from town, Thy tent I sought with anxious care And paid the money down. And though my folly ever since I bitterly deplore, It soothes my mind to know there were Three scores of fools before.

This is certainly an advantage over the diggings of Victoria or New South Wales, if gold really does exist in paying quantities; if not, all the fruit and vegetables in the world would not keep the diggers at Echunga. The following "Lament" was circulated in Adelaide, but not one of the newspapers there would print it. My one pound ten! my one pound ten!

The Adelaide gold-diggings began to excite attention in the months of August and September, 1852. In October the following report was made: "Camp, Echunga, Gold-Fields, "October 2, 1852. "Sir, "I have the honour to state for the information of his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, that since my last report sixty licences have been issued, making a total of three hundred and fifty-six.