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"She may run away as much as she likes, but I will yet, you go bail, I will." He was covered with dust and wanted to wash, so I rang for a maid, who told me that Mr. and Mrs. Eastcliff's rooms had been prepared for Mr. Conrad. But Martin only laughed and said: "Stunning! We'll live in this wing of the house and leave the rest of the old barracks to the cats, should we?"

They were about equally divided as to sex and belonged chiefly to my husband's class, but they included Mr. Eastcliff's beautiful wife, Camilla, and Alma's mother, who, much to Alma's chagrin, had insisted upon being invited. My husband required me to receive them, and I did so, though I was only their nominal hostess, and they knew it and treated me accordingly.

As we were going upstairs she told me that the entire house-party had that morning gone off on a cruise in Mr. Eastcliff's yacht, that they would be away several days, and that Madame had left a letter for me which was supposed to explain everything. I found it on the mantelpiece in my boudoir under an open telegram which had been stuck into the edge of the bevelled glass.

Eastcliff's party back from the races, and as soon as we met on the pavement she began to pay me high compliments on my improved appearance. "Didn't I say the river air would do you good, dearest?" she said, and then she added something else, which would have been very sweet if it had been meant sweetly, about there being no surer way to make a girl beautiful than to make her happy.